Qu’elles soient dues à un champignon ou à un cycle plus court de régénération de la peau, les pellicules provoquent des démangeaisons du cuir chevelu et la perte de gros amas graisseux de cellules mortes. Formulé à base d’actifs hypoallergéniques, tels que le disulfure de sélénium, l’acide salicylique, le céramide et le menthol, Dercos Technique élimine les pellicules visibles dès le premier shampooing et aide à prévenir leur réapparition.

Questions fréquemment posées

Q1: How does anti dandruff shampoo work?

Anti-dandruff shampoos are packed with active ingredients that act on the various causes of dandruff : Salicylic acid helps remove dead skin cells from the surface of the scalp, Selenium slows the growth of skin cells on the scalp and Menthol purifies. To allow these ingredients to be released and work, leave the anti dandruff shampoo on the skin a few minutes before rinsing.

Q2: How often to use dandruff shampoo?

Anti-dandruff shampoos can replace your daily shampoo, so you can use them as often as you wash your hair. Avoid using everyday as overwashing can cause irritation and more dandruff. Once dandruff is in control, use less and alternate with a regular Vichy shampoo.

Q3: How long does dandruff shampoo take to work?

Serious improvements are noticed after one or two washings. Given each scalp is different and reacts differently to the active ingredients, it can take up to 1 to 2 weeks to notice improvements for certain people. After 4 weeks of use, dandruff should be in total control.